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Promoting Women to Municipal Councils


The recent municipal elections, which featured a significant number of Haredi women candidates, reflected the major changes that are taking place in Haredi society and symbolized the great impact of Nivcharot  and other feminist organizations on this community.  

Helen Mazuz was the first Haredi woman to be elected to the municipal council of Raanana. Following the resignation of Aliza Bloch in Beit Shemesh, Tami Zusman became a council member.

Other candidates who ran include: Nivcharot activist Tehiya Toaf, (Beit Shemesh); Merav Shalom, (Jerusalem); Esther Horn, (Bnei Brak); Sarah Leah Perlstein, (Beit Shemesh); Ofra Kaplan (Karmiel); Yaffa Solomon Bloy (Ashkelon) Hani Glodstein (Netivot); BatSheva Kristal (Raanana); Ruth Friedman (Givat Zeev) Malka Greenblatt (Jerusalem) and Nivcharot activist Hadar Liner (Haifa).

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